The little story of Instrumentation Group

The Instrumentation Group is mainly composed of the researchers from the previous Electrical Engineering Laboratory (Laboratoire d’Electricité Générale) of l’ESPCI which was led by Professor Jacques Lewiner. It was an old laboratory with a rich and varied history. In 1915, Paul Langevin, who will become dean of ESPCI, invented sonar.

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Extract of Paul Langevin’s sonar patent

In 1932, René Lucas et Pierre Biquard discovered, at the same time as Peter Debye and Francis Weston Sears, light diffraction by ultrasonic waves. This led to an impressive number of consequences, both for fundamental research and applications. The duality between fundamental and applied researches is a key characteristic which is used by the Instrumentation Group of LPEM. The recurrent interactions between these two types of activity are at the origin of our results.

In 2009, the Electrical Engineering Laboratory joined LPEM and founded the Instrumentation Group led by Professor Stéphane Holé. Since then, researchers from LSLP ESPCI and L2E UPMC laboratories have joined the Instrumentation Group. Each researcher has specific skills that are combined together to make innovative and efficient instruments and sensors.

Permanent researchers and engineer are

• Stéphane Holé, professor at Pierre and Marie Curie University (stephane.hole (arobase)
• Thierry Ditchi, associate professor at Pierre and Marie Curie University (thierry.ditchi (arobase)
• Christine Boué, associate professor at Pierre and Marie Curie University (christine.boue (arobase)
• Céline Filloy, associate professor at Pierre and Marie Curie University (celine.filloy (arobase)
• Charlotte Tripon-Canseliet, associate professor at Pierre and Marie Curie University (charlotte.tripon-canseliet (arobase)
• Emmanuel Géron, associate professor at ESPCI (emmanuel.geron (arobase)
• Yacine Oussar, associate professor at ESPCI (yacine.oussar (arobase)
• Jérôme Lucas, associate professor at ESPCI (jerome.lucas (arobase)
• Yvan Maksimovic, Research engineer at CNRS (yvan.maksimovic (arobase)


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Antennas, linear meta-materials, microwave propagation and sensors

T. Ditchi, E. Géron, J. Lucas, Y. Oussar In the microwave range, we have developed an adaptive antennae for DECT telecommunications (see Figure (...) 

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